Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

Allegany State Park
Commissioner and Executive Team
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Randy Simons, Commissioner Pro Tem / Chief of Staff
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation

Randy Simons

Randy began his tenure at State Parks in 2012 and has served as Chief of Staff since 2018, leading the Agency to a historic $1.5 billion investment and transformation. Signature projects, feats and initiatives include the opening of Shirley Chisholm State Park in Brooklyn; a stunning rebirth of Marsha P Johnson State Park in Williamsburg; the incredible recovery and reopening of all downstate sites after Superstorm Sandy; reinvestment into Roberto Clemente in the Bronx; spearheading a successful campaign to nominate and celebrate Letchworth State Park as the #1 state park in the country; creation of the Connect Kids program providing free access to children; revitalization of the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor in New Windsor; formation of the Our Whole History initiative which tells the complete story of New York State; establishment of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion bureau and enforcing Equity for All into all Agency discussions; and complete revitalization and restorations at state parks across the state at more than 250 properties, including Watkins Glen, Allegany, Southwick Beach, Green Lakes and Niagara Falls State Parks. This state park metamorphosis has led to a 40 percent increase in attendance as 80 million visitors converge upon the park system every year.

A 1999 SUNY Buffalo State College graduate, Randy spent 13 years in television news in New York, New Mexico, Florida and back in New York before arriving at Parks in October 2012. Born and raised in Catskill, it was his travels across the country that convinced him New York State has the most dramatic and dazzling landscape in the country. He lives in the Capital District with his family.

"Conserving, caring for and creating new experiences and access to New York's open space is an absolutely rewarding experience. I encourage anyone who seeks fulfillment to consider a career at State Parks."


Tom Alworth

Tom Alworth

Tom started with State Parks in 2008 as Deputy Commissioner for Natural Resources. During his time in that role, Tom restructured the Agency's environmental program to better address the growing natural resource issues, particularly as they pertain to the impact of climate change on agency operations and the environment. Tom currently serves as Executive Deputy Commissioner and is responsible for leading agency operations and delivering on its $400 million organizational budget. Tom also led the restructuring of the agency's capital program to effectively deliver the multimillion-dollar annual capital program. Tom received his master's degree in Animal Behavior from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and has worked throughout his career in education, science, and environmental advocacy. In the broadest sense, his career passion has remained focused on how to build a healthy relationship between humans and the natural world. With 80 million visitors to New York's state parks each year, there is no better place to fulfill that passion.


Molly Reilly

Molly Reilly

Molly Reilly, Deputy Commissioner for Finance and Administration, is the chief financial officer for OPRHP. She oversees the primary support functions of the agency including Budget, Business Office, Contracts, Employee Relations, Grants, Human Resources, Innovation, Internal Controls, and Revenue. Prior to her current role, Molly served as OPRHP’s Chief Operational Strategy Officer.

During her tenure with State Parks, Molly has led statewide strategic initiatives to standardize capital project delivery, developed OPRHP’s Empire State Trail Program, managed priority capital projects in the Hudson Valley, spearheaded the interagency Joint Working Group between NYS OPRHP and Division of State Police, and has worked across program areas to introduce systems to improve information flow and build structures that support teamwork.

Prior to joining OPRHP, Molly was the Governor’s Deputy Secretary for General Government and Technology, the Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative Program Manager, and Assistant Secretary for Upstate Intergovernmental Affairs. Before joining State government, Molly served as the Mayor of the Village of Sackets Harbor and was a professional educator for two decades. She received an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership from SUNY Stony Brook, a master’s degree in political science from the Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy at SUNY Albany, and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Le Moyne College.

Hailing from the Thousand Islands Region, Molly encourages everyone to explore New York’s northern coast and adds “Sackets Harbor Battlefield State Historic Site is a great place to start!”


Yolanda Bostic Williams

Yolanda Bostic Williams

Yolanda Bostic Williams serves as the Chief Diversity Officer. In this role, she provides executive leadership and strategic direction on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) initiatives. Yolanda's experience, combined with her passion for the outdoors, history, community engagement, knowledge of environmental justice concerns, and, perhaps most importantly, life experiences as a person of color, make her an ideal candidate for connecting with various communities and advancing the agency's goals of increasing DEIA in both the workforce and the public we serve.

To increase diversity within the agency, Yolanda is working with Human Resources and the Recruitment Task Force to recruit more young people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with all abilities, women, veterans, and older adults into seasonal and full-time staffing positions. She is committed to expanding opportunities youth have to engage with the outdoors, building on the Connect Kids to Parks and First Time Campers Programs, as well as, devoted to promoting the Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation's mission to ensure All are Welcome at OPRHP's facilities.

Currently, Yolanda is the agency representative for the New York State Recreation and Parks Society; Treasurer for Governor Kathy Hochul's NYS Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Council; and a member of the Outdoor RX Coalition's Equity and Inclusion Task Force.

Before becoming a 'Parkie,' Yolanda served as a member of the New York State Assembly Speaker's Program and Counsel staff for 21 years.

"Exposing children to the beauty and excitement of nature will enrich their whole lives and foster a desire for stewardship and exploration. It was formative for me, and I know it will be for others too."


Daniel Mackay

Daniel Mackay

Daniel Mackay has served as Deputy Commissioner for Historic Preservation and Deputy State Preservation Officer for OPRHP since July 2017. The Division is responsible for administering historic preservation incentives and compliance measures under both federal and state law, including the National Register of Historic Places, the federal and state rehabilitation tax credit programs, the historic homeownership tax credit, and the Section 106 and Section 14.09 compliance review processes that identify and seek to protect historic resources. The Division also provides technical support and assistance to the 35 historic sites managed and interpreted by OPRHP.

In this time, he has overseen a transformation in senior leadership at the Division for Historic Preservation and led Division staff in efforts to secure a new capital funding role for the Bureau of Historic Sites, catalyze development of the agency's Our Whole History initiative, support expansions to the State Rehabilitation Tax Credit program, inform re-establishment of the NYS Barn Rehabilitation Tax Credit, and launch the Historic Business Preservation Registry program, among other initiatives.

Previously, Daniel served as Executive Director of the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation and as Director of Public Policy for the Preservation League of New York State. In this latter capacity, his legislative advocacy led to establishment of New York's nation-leading state rehabilitation tax credit programs for commercial and owner-occupied historic properties, among other preservation initiatives.

Daniel's preservation policy experience is complemented by past environmental leadership experience with the New York League of Conservation Voters and consulting for various land trusts in the Capital Region. He was twice elected to the New Scotland Town Board, leading his former hometown in efforts to develop measures that scaled planning and economic development initiatives that were in keeping with the municipality's rural character.

Daniel serves on the Executive Committee for the National Council of State Historic Preservation Officers, which serves as a communications vehicle between State Preservation Offices, federal agencies and other organizations regarding national preservation policy.