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17 events matched your search
Tue 10 Sep
Early Morning Birders at Minnewaska
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Designed for both birding enthusiasts and those just looking to learn the basics, this weekly series will offer outings led by Nick Martin, Park Educator, or an experienced birding volunteer. Participants should bring binoculars, water, and wear hiking shoes or boots. Outing destinations will be determined the day of the program. Poor weather conditions will trigger a program cancellation. Participants will meet at the Lake Minnewaska entrance. Participants MUST arrive prior to the start of the program, but no earlier than 7:30 am. The Park Preserve gates will be locked at 8:00 am. Late arrivals will NOT be allowed in the Park Preserve. The total number of participants for this program is limited to twenty-five individuals. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska entrance. For questions, please call 845-255-0752 or email This program is set up on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration: Not required
Fri 13 Sep
Birding at the Gardiner Library
Friday, September 13, 2024 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Are you interested in birds or birding? Join Nick Martin, Park Educator, for bird walks, starting at the Gardiner Library, every Friday during September. During this program, we will take an approximately one mile walk on the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail and wander through Majestic Park, which can be muddy and wet, especially after a rainfall. Participants are encouraged to wear waterproof boots or shoes and bring binoculars and a birding field guide, or a smart device with a field guide installed. Interested participants are welcome to attend one or all Friday programs. The total number of participants for this program is limited to fifteen individuals. Meet at the Gardiner Library, in the lower parking area. No pre-registration is required. For more information, please contact the Gardiner Library directly at 845-255-1255 or email
Registration: Not required
Sat 14 Sep
Drop-in Program: Mini Hawk Watch at Minnewaska
Saturday, September 14, 2024 09:30 AM - 02:00 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Each fall, thousands of raptors, including eagles, hawks, and falcons, migrate south over the Shawangunk Mountains on the way to their wintering grounds. Join Nick Martin, Park Educator, at the Beacon Hill field and picnic area, for a drop-in program to watch for migrating raptors. This area is located off the Lake Minnewaska Carriage Road, on the east side of Lake Minnewaska, and next to the southern trailhead for the Beacon Hill Footpath. There will be an information table set up for those who want to learn more about these amazing animals. If the weather conditions are ideal, we will see broad-winged hawks and other raptors as they fly by, or overhead, as they migrate south. For those wanting a closer view of these birds, we'll have a spotting scope to look through and binoculars to borrow. Stop by or stay for a while to look for these birds, as they migrate. This program will be cancelled in the event of rain. For more information or questions, please contact the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752. Meet at the Beacon Hill field and picnic area. This is a drop-in program and pre-registration is NOT required.
Registration: Not required
Sun 15 Sep
Drop-in Program: Sun Prints Craft at Minnewaska
Sunday, September 15, 2024 09:30 AM - 02:00 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Join Josh Grosse, Student Conservation Association/AmeriCorps Environmental Educator, at the Minnewaska Nature Center for a chance to try out a nature-themed craft that's fun for all ages. Using the power of the sun, participants will be able to make their own "photo" of local flora with special, light-sensitive paper. No drawing is needed—just a creative and curious eye! After making our prints, we will have various art materials like collage paper, markers, and stickers with which to decorate our creations. For more information or questions, please contact the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752. Meet at the Minnewaska Nature Center (located 100 yards east of the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center). This is a drop-in program and pre-registration is NOT required.
Registration: Not required
Mon 16 Sep
Junior Naturalists for Families at Minnewaska: Wildlife Myth Busters
Monday, September 16, 2024 09:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
(845) 255-0752

Join SCA/AmeriCorps Environmental Educator, Josh Grosse, to talk about how important it is to not judge a book by its cover, especially when it comes to plants and animals. Snakes, coyotes, and spiders are just a few examples of animals that many people see as bad, scary, or evil. On the other hand, deer, birds, and bamboo are noted for their beauty and grace. Are either of these assumptions true? Our day will begin in the Visitor Center, where we'll talk about some common misconceptions, match the species with its characteristics, and discuss the positive impacts that even the scariest animals can bring to the natural world. Later, we will take a hike up the Lake Minnewaska Carriage Road to the old Cliff House Hotel location, where we will play interactive games that may change the way we think about these animals and plants. This program is recommended for children between the ages of seven to twelve years old, accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. Well-behaved younger siblings are always welcome. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling the Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752.
Registration: Required
Tue 17 Sep
Early Morning Birders at Minnewaska
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Designed for both birding enthusiasts and those just looking to learn the basics, this weekly series will offer outings led by Nick Martin, Park Educator, or an experienced birding volunteer. Participants should bring binoculars, water, and wear hiking shoes or boots. Outing destinations will be determined the day of the program. Poor weather conditions will trigger a program cancellation. Participants will meet at the Lake Minnewaska entrance. Participants MUST arrive prior to the start of the program, but no earlier than 7:30 am. The Park Preserve gates will be locked at 8:00 am. Late arrivals will NOT be allowed in the Park Preserve. The total number of participants for this program is limited to twenty-five individuals. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska entrance. For questions, please call 845-255-0752 or email This program is set up on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration: Not required
Fri 20 Sep
Birding at the Gardiner Library
Friday, September 20, 2024 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Are you interested in birds or birding? Join Nick Martin, Park Educator, for bird walks, starting at the Gardiner Library, every Friday during September. During this program, we will take an approximately one mile walk on the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail and wander through Majestic Park, which can be muddy and wet, especially after a rainfall. Participants are encouraged to wear waterproof boots or shoes and bring binoculars and a birding field guide, or a smart device with a field guide installed. Interested participants are welcome to attend one or all Friday programs. The total number of participants for this program is limited to fifteen individuals. Meet at the Gardiner Library, in the lower parking area. No pre-registration is required. For more information, please contact the Gardiner Library directly at 845-255-1255 or email
Registration: Not required
Sat 21 Sep
Live Birds of Prey Drop-in Program at Minnewaska
Saturday, September 21, 2024 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Join Annie Mardiney, wildlife rehabilitator from Wild Mountain Birds, for an up-close and personal look at some of the raptors common to the Shawangunk Ridge. Live education birds may include red-tailed hawk, broad-winged hawk, American kestrel, barred owl, screech owl, and great horned owl. Stop by the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center to meet these amazing and beautiful animals in person. No dogs at this program, please. Meet on the lawn on the south side of the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center. This is a drop-in program and pre-registration is NOT required.
Registration: Not required
Sun 22 Sep
Geology EducationTable at Minnewaska
Sunday, September 22, 2024 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Have you ever wondered why the Shawangunk Ridge looks so unique? Why the jagged, rocky outcrops are a dazzling white and why massive boulders lie in heaps at the base of the cliffs? Have these questions and more answered by Josh Grosse, Student Conservation Association/AmeriCorps Environmental Educator. Josh's geology table will feature multiple models and photographs to explain the timeline of how these impressive features came to be, from the recycling of rock from an ancient mountain range to the bulldozing effects of the glaciers that receded during the last ice age. Stop by this educational table outside the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center to have a quick chat before you head out on your hike. All ages are welcome! For more information or questions, please contact the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center. This is a drop-in program and pre-registration is NOT required.
Registration: Not required
Tue 24 Sep
Early Morning Birders at Minnewaska
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Designed for both birding enthusiasts and those just looking to learn the basics, this weekly series will offer outings led by Nick Martin, Park Educator, or an experienced birding volunteer. Participants should bring binoculars, water, and wear hiking shoes or boots. Outing destinations will be determined the day of the program. Poor weather conditions will trigger a program cancellation. Participants will meet at the Lake Minnewaska entrance. Participants MUST arrive prior to the start of the program, but no earlier than 7:30 am. The Park Preserve gates will be locked at 8:00 am. Late arrivals will NOT be allowed in the Park Preserve. The total number of participants for this program is limited to twenty-five individuals. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska entrance. For questions, please call 845-255-0752 or email This program is set up on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration: Not required
Tue 24 Sep
Tuesday Trek: The Short and Scenic Route to Gertrude’s Nose at Minnewaska
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 09:30 AM - 02:30 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
(845) 255-0752

Join Laura Conner, Environmental Educator, for an adventurous, six-mile hike to Gertrude's Nose and back on the same route. This footpath, which traverses an escarpment edge, offers one of the most expansive views in Minnewaska. From our start at Lake Minnewaska, this route will follow Millbrook Mountain Carriage Road to Gertrude's Nose Footpath, which offers broad views of the Wallkill Valley, Taconic Mountains, and beyond. This modestly challenging hike includes a steep rock scramble, a few hills, and some tricky footing. Participants must bring water, snacks, and lunch and wear appropriate hiking shoes. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752.
Registration: Required
Fri 27 Sep
Birding at the Gardiner Library
Friday, September 27, 2024 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Are you interested in birds or birding? Join Nick Martin, Park Educator, for bird walks, starting at the Gardiner Library, every Friday during September. During this program, we will take an approximately one mile walk on the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail and wander through Majestic Park, which can be muddy and wet, especially after a rainfall. Participants are encouraged to wear waterproof boots or shoes and bring binoculars and a birding field guide, or a smart device with a field guide installed. Interested participants are welcome to attend one or all Friday programs. The total number of participants for this program is limited to fifteen individuals. Meet at the Gardiner Library, in the lower parking area. No pre-registration is required. For more information, please contact the Gardiner Library directly at 845-255-1255 or email
Registration: Not required
Sat 28 Sep
Fish and Wildlife Day: Mini Hawk Migration Watch Drop-in Program
Saturday, September 28, 2024 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Each fall, thousands of raptors, including eagles, hawks, and falcons, migrate south over the Shawangunk Mountains on the way to their wintering grounds. Join Nick Martin, Park Educator, at the Beacon Hill field and picnic area, to celebrate Fish and Wildlife Day as we watch for migrating raptors. This area is located off the Lake Minnewaska Carriage Road, on the east side of Lake Minnewaska, and next to the southern trailhead for the Beacon Hill Footpath. There will be an information table set up for those who want to learn more about these amazing animals. If the weather conditions are ideal, we will see broad-winged hawks and other raptors as they fly by or overhead, as they migrate south. For those wanting a closer view of these birds, we'll have a spotting scope to look through and binoculars to borrow. This program will be cancelled in the event of rain. For more information or questions, please contact or the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752. Meet at the Beacon Hill field and picnic area. This is a drop-in program and pre-registration is NOT required.
Registration: Not required
Sat 28 Sep
Fish and Wildlife Day: Nature Touch Table Drop-in Program at the Minnewaska Nature Center
Saturday, September 28, 2024 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Join Nick Martin, Park Educator, for a drop-in program to get a close-up view of various wildlife props at the Minnewaska Nature Center. Here at the Nature Center, tables will be set up with touchable, natural items, such as snake skin sheds, feathers, skulls, talons, nests, and more. This program is recommended for anyone who is interested in nature and wildlife, however, children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. For more information or questions, please contact the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752. Meet at the Minnewaska Nature Center (located 100 yards east of the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center). This is a drop-in program and pre-registration is NOT required.
Registration: Not required
Sun 29 Sep
Bike to Hike at Minnewaska
Sunday, September 29, 2024 09:30 AM - 01:30 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
(845) 255-0752

Join Laura Conner, Environmental Educator, for a bike ride to Lake Awosting and a loop hike in the Minnewaska back country. Starting on Lake Minnewaska Carriage Road, we'll ride to Upper Awosting Carriage Road, which we'll follow until it ends at Lake Awosting. From here, we'll continue along the Lake Awosting Carriage Road until we reach the beach area, where we'll lock and leave our bikes on a bike rack. Next, we'll grab our backpacks and hike a scenic loop along Spruce Glen and Scenic Trail footpaths, stopping at Murray Hill for the views, before walking back to the beach along the edge of Lake Awosting, where we'll stop for lunch. For our return ride, we'll cruise along a short section of Castle Point Carriage Road until we connect with Hamilton Point Carriage Road, which offers gorgeous sweeping views of the Palmaghatt Ravine. Then, we'll ride the last part of our journey along Millbrook Mountain and Lake Minnewaska Carriage Roads. The total distance for the bike ride is approximately nine miles and the hike distance is approximately one and a half miles. Participants must bring their own bikes, equipment, food and water. Only Class 1, pedal-assist, electric bikes are allowed in the Park Preserve. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center Upper Parking Lot. Pre-registration is required by calling the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752.
Registration: Required
Thu 17 Oct
Homeschoolers at Minnewaska: Fall Foliage
Thursday, October 17, 2024 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
(845) 255-0752

As autumn is ushered in, Minnewaska's green landscape becomes peppered with flecks of red, yellow, and orange. Excellent views of the surrounding valleys are matched by equally amazing educational opportunities. We will start this lesson in the Visitor Center, where each student will use a leaf press booklet to create their own identification guide. We'll use this tool as we take a two-to-three-mile hike along one of the Park Preserve's many carriage roads. We will make friends with trees, getting to know them by touch, smell, and sight. We'll also hear their story about how they grew from seed to adult, before giving them a big hug. We will also play some leaf matching games to try out our identification skills! This program is recommended for children between the ages of seven to twelve years old, accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. Well-behaved younger siblings are always welcome. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752.
Registration: Required
Wed 06 Nov
Homeschoolers at Minnewaska: Mosses, Mushrooms, and Lichen
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Minnewaska State Park Preserve
With the last of the trees shedding their leaves, late autumn begins to feel like a time of grayness and death. However, not everything gets the memo. Join Josh Grosse, Student Conservation Association/Americorps Environmental Educator, as we dive into the exceptional world of mosses, lichens, and mushrooms. We will discuss the role of each organism in the ecosystem, and why their rebellious greenness and growth persists into the cold months. Our discussion will be followed by an appreciation walk, where we will look at examples of each and make close observations using magnifying glasses. This program is recommended for children between the ages of seven to twelve years old, accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. Well-behaved younger siblings are always welcome. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752.
Registration: Required