Local businesses are the backbone of villages, towns, and cities across the state and have helped to shape the history, heritage, and identity of the communities they serve.
New York State’s Historic Business Preservation Registry (HBPR) was established by Chapter 241 of the Laws of 2020, sponsored by Senator Jose Serrano and Assemblymember Daniel O’Donnell. The HBPR was enhanced by Chapter 146 of the Laws of 2023 by legislation sponsored by Senator Michelle Hinchey and Assemblymember Carrie Woerner.
The program is administered by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation and highlights businesses that have been in operation for at least 50 years and have contributed to their community’s history. At a time when many businesses face new and unique challenges, this registry allows us to recognize and honor historic businesses, while providing educational and promotional assistance to ensure their continued viability and success.
Nominations to the HBPR must be sponsored by an elected state official, including the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and members of the Senate or Assembly. Each elected official may nominate up to ten businesses for inclusion (per term). The program is non-competitive and– provided that the nomination criteria are met– businesses will be added to the registry. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis and updates to the interactive map are made quarterly.
Anyone interested in having a business added to the registry should reach out to their state representative. You can look up your state senator or assembly member here.
Find out more about the businesses on the Historic Business Preservation Registry using our INTERACTIVE MAP.
For questions about the program or the status of a nomination, contact Kristian Price at Kristian.Price@parks.ny.gov
The Historic Business Preservation Registry is an honorific program only and inclusion in the registry does not subject businesses to any regulatory oversight by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. All businesses included in the registry are featured on the program’s interactive map and provided with an official registry certificate and window decal