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Adult Learning Summer Series: Birding Talk and Walk – Summer Songbirds at Minnewaska

Thursday, July 11, 2024 09:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Join Nick Martin, Park Educator, for a talk and walk that will focus on the songbirds of summer at Minnewaska. After meeting at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center, we'll take a short walk to the Nature Center, for a presentation and discussion about all these interesting songbirds. After, we will go for a slow-paced, bird walk of up to two miles on the carriage roads near Lake Minnewaska. Participants should come well-prepared with enough food and water to sustain themselves for the outing. Participants are also encouraged to bring binoculars if they have them. If not, a few pairs will be available for participants to borrow. Meet at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752.
Registration: Required

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