Tuesday Trek: Patterson’s Pellet to Kempton Ledge and back through the Meadows at Minnewaska
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 10:00 AM - 01:30 PM
Join Laura Conner, Environmental Educator, for
an approximately five-mile hike on five historic carriage roads and a footpath.
Starting from the Visitor Center, we'll head east around Lake Minnewaska,
stopping to enjoy the multitude of scenic views along the way. When we reach
Millbrook Mountain Carriage Road, we'll walk this route until we reach the
iconic, glacially transported boulder named Patterson's Pellet. From this
cliff-edge vista, on a clear day, we'll be able to see the stone tower at High
Point State Park in New Jersey. Then, we'll walk back to reach the connector
between Hamilton Point and Castle Point Carriage Roads. Continuing south along
Castle Point Carriage Road, we'll walk until we reach Kempton's Ledge, which
features views back across the Palmaghatt Ravine towards Patterson's Pellet.
We'll return via the footpaths through the Meadows, an area that once served as
a golf course and orchard for the Lake Minnewaska Resort hotels. If conditions
are icy, participants are encouraged to bring micro spikes or other ice
traction devices and to dress appropriately for the cold. If ski trails are
being groomed, this outing location will change. Meet at the Lake
Minnewaska Visitor Center. Pre-registration is required by calling the Lake
Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752.
Call to Register: (845) 255-0752
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