Fly Tying
Sunday, March 23, 2025 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
fly-tying class teaches participants how to tie two essential trout flies: the Woolly
Bugger, a versatile streamer imitating baitfish and leeches, and the Pheasant
Tail Nymph, a classic mayfly imitation. The class also highlights the
importance of entomology in fly-tying, helping anglers match their flies to the
natural insect life cycle for better fishing success. This class is designed
for ages 13+. We have a limit of 5 people who can bring their handmade fly home
to ensure we have enough, those who make their own will be charged $5 for
materials. If you sign up after our 5-person limit you will be able to come and
watch. Register in advance by calling our office at 518-793-0511.
Call to Register: (518) 793-0511
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