Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation


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14th Annual I Love My Park Day at Minnewaska and Sam’s Point

Saturday, May 3, 2025 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

This event is part of more than 100 cleanup, improvement and beautification events happening statewide. I Love My Park Day is an exciting statewide event to improve and enhance New York's State Parks and historic sites and bring visibility to the entire state park system and its needs. Volunteers will clean up park lands and beaches, plant trees and gardens, restore trails and wildlife habitat, remove invasive species and work on various site improvement projects. Specific events will be listed shortly. Call the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center at 845-255-0752 or the Sam's Point Visitor Center at 845-647-7989 for more information.
Registration: Not required

View All Events at Minnewaska State Park Preserve: Sam's Point Area