High in New York State's Adirondack Mountains is the home and grave of abolitionist John Brown. Many Americans know the song "John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave," but most do not associate the words with this simple farm at North Elba, New York.
On the night of October 16, 1859, Brown and his followers assaulted the U.S. Arsenal at Harper's Ferry, planning to use the captured arms in an extensive campaign for the liberation of the slaves in the South. Brown was captured on October 18, 1859, imprisoned at Charlestown, Virginia, tried by the Commonwealth of Virginia, and hanged on December 2, 1859. His body was returned to North Elba and was buried in front of his home on December 8, 1859. The remains of several of Brown's followers, who fought and died at Harper's Ferry, were moved to this small graveyard in 1899.
Brown's final prophesy--"I, John Brown, am quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done,"--was soon to be realized in the Civil War.
Hours of Operation
- November
through April:
Center/Barn Exhibits Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-3pm (Closed Sunday and Monday)
Grounds open daily, dawn to dusk.
tours by appointment, please call park office.
Fees & Rates
Most New York State Parks charge a vehicle use fee to enter the facility. Fees vary by location and season. A list of entry fees and other park use fees is available below. For fees not listed or to verify information, please contact the park directly.
The easy-to-use Empire Pass card is $80- and your key to all-season enjoyment with unlimited day-use entry at most facilities operated by State Parks and the State Dept. of Environmental Conservation including forests, beaches, trails and more. Purchase online or contact your favorite park for more information.
Learn more about our Admission Programs including the Empire Pass.
New! Download this park's digital map to your iOS Apple and Android device.
First Day of the Month Hike
Saturday, March 1, 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
John Brown Farm State Historic Site
(518) 806-9719
Join John Brown Farm for a series of guided winter hikes on the first day of the month from February till May. The free hikes are sponsored by the Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation and will be guided by Cheryl Craft, a historic interpreter for John Brown Farm. The program will focus mainly on getting outdoors and enjoying a small group hiking experience. There will be opportunities to share local history along the way. All hikes will start at 10am and will require advance registration.
This first hike on March 1 will explore a section of the Jackrabbit Trail called The
Old Mountain Road, which John Brown traveled many times on his way in and out
of North Elba. The Old Mountain Road is the most
challenging in terms of length and elevation gain. The end-to-end length of the trail is 3.3 miles.
The plan for this hike will be discussed by participants.
The planned hikes are variable in length and difficulty, though none require any special technical skills. They will require winter gear such as trekking poles, and possibly snowshoes or traction devices depending on trail conditions. Participants will need their own gear.
Register for hikes by texting or calling the guide at 518-806-9719, preferably in advance, but at least 24 hours before the scheduled hike. You may also search for Events on our Facebook page for additional details.
Registration: Required
Winter Moon-walk Series
Thursday, March 13, 2025 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
John Brown Farm State Historic Site
(518) 806-9719
Full moon hikes will be offered on these dates. We will meet at the parking area at the north field, as you enter the park. In the event of extremely cold or stormy weather, the event will be cancelled. Please contact the Historic Interpreter at 518-806-9719 to register for these hikes, and to confirm the date which it will take place.
Registration: Required
Talk and Discussion
Sunday, March 23, 2025 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM
John Brown Farm State Historic Site
There will be a scientist-led talk and
discussion of grassland bird research and conservation conducted on lands
adjacent to the John Brown Farm Historic Site on March 23, from 3:30-5pm.
Senior Research Scientist Michale Glennon will discuss a multi-year project
conducted by the Adirondack Watershed Institute of Paul Smiths College. A short
reception will follow.
First Day of the Month Hike
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
John Brown Farm State Historic Site
(518) 806-9719
Join John Brown Farm for a series of guided winter hikes on the first day of the month from February till May. The free hikes are sponsored by the Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation and will be guided by Cheryl Craft, a historic interpreter for John Brown Farm. The program will focus mainly on getting outdoors and enjoying a small group hiking experience. There will be opportunities to share local history along the way. All hikes will start at 10am and will require advance registration.
This first hike on April 1 will be on the Old Orchard Loop at the Heaven Hill property near John Brown Farm, where both Black and White neighbors lived in the John Brown era. The Old Orchard Loop is 1.6 miles, with
gradual elevation gain. It is the least demanding of the winter series hikes.
The planned hikes are variable in length and difficulty, though none require any special technical skills. They will require winter gear such as trekking poles, and possibly snowshoes or traction devices depending on trail conditions. Participants will need their own gear.
Register for hikes by texting or calling the guide at 518-806-9719, preferably in advance, but at least 24 hours before the scheduled hike. You may also search for Events on our Facebook page for additional details.
Registration: Required