The Nature Center at Moreau Lake features numerous wildlife mounts, pelts, skulls and other ephemora. Park staff lead numerous nature-based recreation programs for children and adults year-round, including hiking, biking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing on over 20 miles of trails.Education programs crafted especially for schools and clubs are also offered. Topics include winter survival, predator/prey relationships, beaver ecology, amphibians and much more.
Nature center staff are also available to bring programs to classrooms and other settings.The facility itself features an outside deck, universally accessible entrance and trail with interpretive signs. The conference room in the facility offers a projection screen, tv with video capability, and the capacity to accomodate larger groups.
Not permitted in building
Hours of Operation
- Memorial Day-Labor Day, seven days a week, 10am-4:00pm
The nature center is also open on request and as staffing allows throughout the year. -
Full Moon Hike at Big Bend
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Moreau Lake State Park Nature Center
(518) 793-0511
Join a park
educator on a beginner hike and if the clouds cooperate, we'll get to enjoy the
splendor of the full "Worm Moon" rising above the mountains! This hike is free,
is family friendly and well-behaved dogs on a 6 foot or shorter leash are
welcome. This hike will not go the full 3.5 miles, we will be going closer to
2.5 miles on flat terrain. We have snowshoes to rent $5 per person if we need
them. To reserve your spot call 518-793-0511 the earlier the better as this is
a popular program and it fills up quickly.
Registration: Required
Mud Pond Hike
Thursday, March 13, 2025 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Moreau Lake State Park Nature Center
(518) 793-0511
Join an Educator on a beginner 2.1 mile
hike from Nature Trail to Mud Pond where we will see some beaver lodges, maybe
some water fowl, and lots of Hemlock trees. Please wear the appropriate attire
for the weather and water-resistant hiking shoes. Bring a snack and plenty of
water. This is free and can be for all
ages, but be aware of the distance, the up and down terrain and weather. Please reserve
your spot 24-hours in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.
Registration: Required
Wiggly Wanderers
Friday, March 14, 2025 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Moreau Lake State Park Nature Center
Wanderers is a casual and fun program that is offered to walking toddlers,
carriable babies and their caregivers. This will be a beginner's hike/wander
series with not too much distance for toddlers who are ready to move and
caregivers who are willing and able to baby wear and/or carry their toddler if
their legs get too tired. Strollers will not work for these programs. We meet
at the nature center parking lot. $1 per child. Registration is not required
for this program.
St. Patty's Day Needle Felting
Saturday, March 15, 2025 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Moreau Lake State Park Nature Center
(518) 793-0511
Leprechauns, fairies, and gnomes oh my!
Choose your favorite folktale character and create your own St Patty's Day
plush. Return next week to build them a home! Supplies will be provided. This
program is free and geared toward 6+. Please reserve your spot in advance by
calling the office at 518-793-0511.
Registration: Required
Monthly Hiking Challenge
Sunday, March 16, 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Moreau Lake State Park Nature Center
(518) 793-0511
the monthly hiking challenge where we will explore the wide variety of trails
at Moreau Lake State Park, if you make it to all the hikes you will get a
prize! Our first hike will start off with a fan favorite, Baker to Moreau
Overlook. This is a moderate-hard 2.5 mile hike with a beautiful view of our
lake from above. Please wear the appropriate attire for the weather with
water-resistant hiking shoes, trekking poles if you need them, microspikes and
snowshoes if you have them. We have limited micro spikes and snowshoes to
borrow. Bring a snack and plenty of water. We will meet at the park office and
caravan to the trailhead. This is a free hike and for people 13+. Please
register in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.
Registration: Required