Meeting number (access code): 1613 60 6962
The Commission's goals are to:
a) Determine an appropriate age and/or stage of childhood development when children can properly begin water safety and swimming instructions and develop statewide standards for such instruction;
b) Investigate and evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of programs which incentivize parents and guardians to enroll children in water safety and swimming instruction;
c) Develop a comprehensive plan for public-private partnerships between the state and community centers, nonprofit organizations, recreational facilities, swimming instructors, and other relevant stakeholders and expanding existing state resources such as parks and pools to provide access to free swimming instruction, and determine the feasibility of such programs;
d) Develop an implementation plan to ensure its swimming safety programs are available in underserved communities; and
e) Develop a comprehensive plan for a public awareness campaign to ensure parents and guardians receive information on the importance of children receiving basic water safety and swimming instruction.