October 19, 2006
Press Contact:
Kimberly Chupa
(518) 402-8000
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Denise M. Sheehan today announced the release of the Snowmobile Plan for the Adirondack Park. The Plan will serve as a guide for the development of new trails and eliminate other trails that are no longer needed.
"The Adirondack Snowmobile Plan is a balanced, carefully crafted vision for the future of the snowmobile trail system within the Park that will improve the Park's environment and natural resources while helping local communities," Commissioner Sheehan said. "The Plan will achieve this balance by ensuring that the wilder parts of the Forest Preserve are enhanced while also providing snowmobile trail connections to local communities."
Key components of the Plan include encouraging the development of snowmobile trails on private lands, reconfiguring snowmobile trails in the Forest Preserve away from interior wild forest areas, and establishing improved community connection trails closer to the periphery of the Forest Preserve units and along transportation corridors. The trail system on Forest Preserve lands will be carefully planned with extensive public input throughout the development of Unit Management Plans (UMPs) for different areas of the Forest Preserve. All new trail proposals will be included in UMPs that will be thoroughly evaluated by the public and the Adirondack Park Agency (APA).
The Plan is the result of extensive outreach efforts conducted by the DEC and the New York State Office Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) during the past several years. This joint effort involved a broad spectrum of organizations and individuals, including local governments, conservation and environmental organizations, private landowners and snowmobile interests. A series of public meetings was held on the draft plan and the public was given an opportunity to share their suggestions. DEC and OPRHP reviewed all suggestions provided during the public comment period and, where appropriate, incorporated those suggestions in the Plan. The Plan ensures the State's stewardship of the Park while accommodating public outdoor winter recreation opportunities that are important to the economy of the region.
State Parks Commissioner Bernadette Castro said, "This plan provides the blueprint necessary to recognize the existing trail system, and modify it in such a way that the economic prosperity of the connected communities is enhanced, while making the trails safer and most importantly providing for the protection of the region's natural resources."
Town of Newcomb Supervisor George Cannon said, "The Plan recognized, for the first time, the economic impact that snowmobiling has on the communities of the Adirondacks. The recognition of the 'community connectors' and the town-to-town networks that will eventually be developed should be a huge benefit to the Adirondack economy during the long winter months. Governor Pataki and the DEC are to be commended for dealing with this important issue."
Association of Adirondack Towns and Villages President J.R. Risley said, "The Association of Adirondack Towns and Villages is encouraged after 5 years of working with the Department, Snowmobile Clubs and the Snowmobiling Public to finally have an Adirondack Snowmobiling Plan to work from. This plan will help assure that Snowmobiling will continue to be an outdoor activity within the Adirondacks."
President AATV New York State Snowmobile Association Executive Director Jim Jennings said, "The New York State Snowmobile Association welcomes the release of the Snowmobile Plan for the Adirondack Park. This plan will serve as a foundation to improve snowmobiling throughout the Adirondacks. We look forward to working with DEC and New York State Parks in the implementation of this plan."
Adirondack Landowners Association Counsel Frank A. Clark said, "The Snowmobile Plan for the Adirondack Park reflects sensitivity to the privacy rights and interests of Adirondack landowners. It represents an important achievement for Adirondack communities, the snowmobiling public, private landowners, and the Adirondacks as a whole. The Adirondack Landowners Association congratulates the Governor and the Commissioners on its release."
Highlights of the Plan include:
Snowmobile use in the Adirondack Park has evolved over the years to include a wide variety of trails on both private and pubic lands, but no overall plan has ever been put in place to steer future development of trails away from sensitive areas and into communities where they are desired. The piecemeal, ad-hoc development of trail systems has resulted in the over-development of trails in some locations, lost loop and trail connections in other areas and under-utilization in some communities where rider services, rest areas, and facilities are readily available to safely accommodate snowmobile use.
A copy of the Snowmobile Plan is available at http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dlf/publands/forpreshome.html on the DEC website.