Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

Events at State Parks
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9 events matched your search
Fri 28 Mar
Sensory Hike: Rise and Shine!
Friday, March 28, 2025 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Awaken your senses and tune in to nature in this embodied experience with Linda Parker. You'll be amazed at what you notice when you home in on one sense at a time. Take this opportunity to quiet your mind and connect with the forest using this unique approach. Max: 15 people. Cost: $4. Parking: $6 per vehicle; NYS residents over 62 park free on weekdays.
Registration: Required
Tue 01 Apr
Postural Therapy: Living Comfortably
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Start your day with movement! Get energized in this virtual session with postural therapist, Joey Zimet, and learn exercises to improve posture and function. The class will incorporate unique standing, sitting, and floor exercises that are gentle and easily adapted to fit your needs. These methods are well-studied and based upon neuroscience, biomechanics, the myofascial system, and other variables. Treat yourself to some maintenance and self-care! Registered participants will receive a Zoom link to join. Cost: FREE. Registration required.
Registration: Required
Sat 05 Apr
Hike with Mike: Eagle Hill-Pocantico Lake
Saturday, April 5, 2025 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
This five-mile, 2-3 hour hike will offer a winter view of Swan Lake, Eagle Hill vistas and our neighbor Pocantico Lake. Leashed dogs are welcome. Be prepared to move at a steady pace; some hiking experience is recommended. Meet in the Visitor Center courtyard. Dress warmly in layers, bring water to drink, and wear comfortable shoes. In case of bad weather, the hike may be canceled; you will be notified by 5 pm the day prior. The hike will leave promptly at 9:00 from the Visitor Center courtyard. Max: 20 people. Cost: FREE. Registration required. Parking: $6 per vehicle.
Registration: Required
Sat 12 Apr
Full Moon Hike: “Pink Moon”
Saturday, April 12, 2025 07:30 PM - 09:30 PM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Tickets available April 19 at 10 am, Experience the Preserve after dark! Join Shayla, Hailey, and Dave for a 4-mile hike on carriage roads lit by moonlight. We walk at a brisk pace and there will be hills; some hiking experience is recommended. Leashed dogs are welcome. Meet in the Visitor Center courtyard. Please bring water, a flashlight or headlamp, and wear comfortable closed-toed shoes. IMPORTANT: We leave promptly at scheduled times. This hike takes place after the park has closed; latecomers will not be able to join after the group has departed. In the event of rain or snow, the hike will be canceled; you will be notified at least 2 hours in advance. Max: 40 people. Cost: $4
Registration: Required
Thu 24 Apr
Birdwatching with the Saw Mill River Audubon Society
Thursday, April 24, 2025 06:00 AM - 08:00 AM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Get to know our feathered residents and experience the "dawn chorus" during the peak of breeding song with an expert from the Saw Mill River Audubon Society. Great for all levels of birding experience, beginners welcome! Rain or shine except in extreme weather, in which case you will receive a cancellation email 2 hours before the scheduled walk. Binocular loans available upon request. Ages 8+. Max: 25 people. Cost: FREE. Parking: $6 per vehicle. NYS Residents over 62 park for free on weekdays. Please register at:
Registration: Required
Fri 25 Apr
Sensory Hike: Rise and Shine!
Friday, April 25, 2025 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Awaken your senses as you slow down and tune in to nature in this embodied experience with Linda Parker. You'll be amazed at what you notice when you focus on one sense at a time. Meet in the Visitor Center courtyard. Please dress warmly and bring water to drink. In case of bad weather, the program may be canceled or postponed; you will be notified via email by 5 pm the day before. Max: 15 people. Cost: $4. Parking: $6 per vehicle; NYS residents over 62 park free on weekdays.
Registration: Required
Sat 26 Apr
Birdwatching with the Saw Mill River Audubon Society
Saturday, April 26, 2025 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Get to know our feathered residents and experience the "dawn chorus" during the peak of breeding song with an expert from the Saw Mill River Audubon Society. Great for all levels of birding experience, beginners welcome! Rain or shine except in extreme weather, in which case you will receive a cancellation email 2 hours before the scheduled walk. Binocular loans available upon request. Ages 8+. Max: 25 people. Cost: FREE. Parking: $6 per vehicle. NYS Residents over 62 park for free on weekdays. Please register at:
Registration: Required
Sun 27 Apr
Arbor Day Tree Planting
Sunday, April 27, 2025 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
To celebrate Earth Day (April 23rd) and Arbor Day (April 25th), come get your hands dirty and give back to your local forest by planting some trees! Join Preserve staff in partnership with Trout Unlimited and help us restore the banks of the Pocantico River and fill gaps in the canopy. More trees means more shade on the water, and that makes for happy fish! Please wear sun protection, bring water to drink, and wear comfortable closed-toed shoes. Long pants tucked into your socks are recommended to prevent exposure to ticks and poison ivy. Shovels and gloves will be provided. Please enter at 25 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591. Do NOT go to the main park entrance. You will be directed to off-street parking from there. In case of bad weather, we will postpone to May 4th; you will be notified by 5 pm the day prior. Max: 50 people. Registration required.
Registration: Required
Mon 28 Apr
Birdwatching with the Saw Mill River Audubon Society
Monday, April 28, 2025 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Get to know our feathered residents and experience the "dawn chorus" during the peak of breeding song with an expert from the Saw Mill River Audubon Society. Great for all levels of birding experience, beginners welcome! Rain or shine except in extreme weather, in which case you will receive a cancellation email 2 hours before the scheduled walk. Binocular loans available upon request. Ages 8+. Max: 25 people. Cost: FREE. Parking: $6 per vehicle. NYS Residents over 62 park for free on weekdays. Please register at:
Registration: Required