The Division for Historic Preservation is organized into three bureaus: Community Preservation Bureau, Technical Preservation Bureau, and Bureau of Historic Sites & Parks.
This page primarily contains contact information for the staff that administer the functions of the New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). These functions include the National Register of Historic Places, survey and evaluation, outreach, rehabilitation tax credits, technical assistance and compliance, archaeology, grants, and the Certified Local Government (CLG) program.
Daniel Mackay, Deputy Commissioner, 518-268-2171
Daniel McEneny, Division Director, 518-268-2162
Kathy Howe, Director, Community Preservation Bureau, 518-268-2168
Nancy Herter, Director, Technical Preservation Bureau, 518-268-2179
Greg Smith, Director, Bureau of Historic Sites and Parks, 518-268-2141
Beth Cumming, Agency Preservation Officer, 518-728-8359
Please note: Within most units, each staff person is assigned a specific territory defined by multiple counties. Although regional boundaries differ among units (as illustrated by the maps on this page), staff members often work together as interdisciplinary teams.
The Survey and National Register (NR) Unit oversees the statewide inventory of historic resources and administers the State and National Registers of Historic Places programs in New York. This unit assists communities and agencies with surveys that identify and evaluate historic districts, buildings, sites, structures and objects worthy of protection and consideration in community planning efforts. Survey and NR staff provide guidance to the public in developing and completing official nomination forms. Additionally, this unit assists in the identification of buildings that are potentially eligible for Homeowner Tax Credit programs.
To find the staff member assigned to your county, please View Map.
The Technical Preservation Unit coordinates consultation for architectural resources under Section 14.09 of the State Historic Preservation Act and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. This unit also provides general guidance to the public on building rehabilitation and the application of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards.
To find the staff member assigned to your county, please View Map.
The Archaeology Unit coordinates consultation for archaeological resources under Section 14.09 of the State Historic Preservation Act and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. This unit also provides general guidance to the public on the preservation of archaeological sites.
To find the staff member assigned to your county please View Map.
The Commercial Rehabilitation Tax Credit Unit staff members assist property owners with applications for the federal and New York State commercial rehabilitation tax credit programs.
The staff listed below process applications for both the federal and state commercial tax credit programs. Part 1 staff assist owners filling applications to certify the significance of their buildings. Part 2 & Part 3 staff members assist property owners with application of the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for consultation review and tax credit projects.
Beth Cumming, Program Coordinator, 518-728-8359
Part 1 | Part 1 Staff Map
Part 2 & Part 3 | Part 2 & Part 3 Staff Map
The Incentives & Planning Unit coordinates various state and federal historic preservation grant incentives and administers the Historic Homeownership Rehabilitation Credit program, Traditional Building Trades programming, and the Certified Local Government (CLG) program. Additionally, the unit aids the public, municipalities, and preservation colleagues with information on preservation governance, public policy, and outreach opportunities.
Grants Contacts
To find the historic preservation grant reviewer assigned to your county please View Map.
Historic Homeownership Rehabilitation Credit Contacts
For technical or application process questions related to the Historic Homeownership Rehabilitation Credit, please View Map.
The Community Affairs Unit works to amplify awareness of the Division for Historic Preservation within and beyond the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. This includes activating agency initiatives, supporting special events and programs, providing guidance and training for staff and volunteers, and helping with outreach efforts.
The Information Resources Unit is responsible for maintaining the CRIS Web Application as well as all Geographic Information System (GIS) operations within the Division. This includes data conversion & migration, application development, department-wide spatial data and systems integration and training, mobile application development & emerging technology initiatives.