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- August 28, 2013State Parks Urges Boaters to Help Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers
- August 27, 2013New York State Parks Partners with National Outdoor Retailer REI to Offer Outdoor Recreational Classes and Programs in State Parks
- August 21, 2013Fairgoers Invited to Visit the State Park at the Fair
- August 19, 2013Governor Cuomo Announces $5 Million to Fund Improvements to Roberto Clemente State Park
- August 16, 2013OPRHP and DOH Remind State Park Visitors to Practice Beach & Pool Safety
- August 13, 2013Public Invited to Help Shape Future of Keuka Lake State Park
- August 13, 2013New Civil War Battle Flags Exhibit Opens at State Capitol
- August 13, 2013Recreational Boating Life Saving Awards Presented to Good Samaritan
- August 09, 2013Past, Present & Future will Highlight Herkimer Home's 100th
- August 07, 2013Governor Cuomo Recognizes 20 Years of The NYS Environmental Protection Fund

- August 06, 2013Governor Cuomo Announces Reconstruction of Nyack Beach State Park Trail
- August 01, 2013Swim Safe this Summer – Think P.A.R.K.S.
- July 29, 2013Thacher/Thompson Lake State Park Master Plan Public Hearing Scheduled
- July 26, 2013Local Law Enforcement Agencies Receive Patrol Vessels to Enhance Safe Boating
- July 22, 2013State Parks Urges Niagara River Gorge Trail Visitors to Use Caution
- July 17, 2013Project Scoping to Begin on Historic Bridges
- July 16, 2013OPRHP Kicks off Planning Process for the Old Croton State Historic Park
- July 10, 2013Governor Cuomo Reminds New Yorkers to Buckle Up Children While Visiting and Vacationing in State Parks

- July 10, 2013New Campground and Cabin Improvements Complete at Letchworth and Hamlin Beach State Parks
- July 09, 2013New York State Parks, American Red Cross and Partners Expand ‘Learn to Swim’ Program in NYC
- July 03, 2013State Parks’ Invasive Species Strike Team Improves Bird Conservation Area at Thacher State Park
- July 02, 2013State Parks Urges Boaters to Be Wary of Dangerous Conditions
- June 25, 2013New York State Helps Connect Families with the Outdoors
- June 24, 2013Construction Begins on Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park Waterfront Elevator
- June 21, 2013New Playground and Campground Facilities Ready at Higley Flow State Park
- June 20, 2013Tourism Official Named Director of New York State Parks Finger Lakes Region
- June 14, 2013Niagara Falls State Park Reopens Restored Islands, Cave and Kicks Off Prospect Point Project
- June 14, 2013State Board Recommends 17 Nominations for State and National Registers of Historic Places
- June 13, 2013Historic Midway State Park Carousel Returns Home
- June 13, 2013Allegany State Park Debuts Group 5 Camp
- June 07, 2013Williamsburg Summer Nights; Movies in the Park Schedule Released
- June 06, 2013Stony Brook State Park Pool to Reopen this Summer
- February 27, 2013OPRHP and PIPC hold Public Hearing for the Draft Master Plan for Rockland Lake, Hook Mountain, Nyack Beach and Haverstraw Beach State Parks
- February 25, 2013First Statewide Trail User Count Demonstrates Popularity of Greenway (Multi-use) Trails
- February 22, 2013East River State Park to Become Weekend Home of Brooklyn Flea and Smorgasburg
- February 14, 2013State Parks Seeking Partners at Knox Farm State Park
- February 12, 2013New York State Parks Accepting Applications for Seasonal Safety and Security Positions
- February 11, 2013Robert Moses Parkway North Draft Scoping Report Ready for Review
- February 05, 2013State Parks Invites Public to Attend a New York Safe Boating Course
- February 04, 2013State Parks Commissioner Rose Harvey's Testimony Before the Joint Hearing of the Fiscal Committees of the State Legislature