Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

Technical Assistance Project Checklist

Historic Buildings and Structures Exterior (All Elevations)

  • Existing configuration and material of roofs and gutters/downspouts, including current conditions
  • Existing location, type and material of skylights, including current conditions
  • Existing location, configuration and material of porch, stair and rail elements, including current conditions
  • Existing material of foundations, including current conditions

Masonry (Brick, Stone, Terra Cotta, Etc.)

  • Existing material, unit size, coursing and finish, including current condition
  • Cleaning specifications, including materials and methods proposed
  • Repointing specifications, including materials and methods
  • Repair/replacement information
  • Stain, paint or other finish coatings to be used


  • Existing material, unit size, pattern and finish, including current condition
  • Cleaning specifications, including materials and methods proposed
  • Repair/replacement information
  • Stain, paint or other finish coatings to be used


  • Existing features, materials and finish, including current condition
  • Repair/replacement information
  • New storefront construction plans and elevations including design, materials and finishes


  • Existing type, material; unit size/configuration, including current condition
  • Repair/replacement information
  • New window locations, types, materials and configurations, including comparative profiles between the original and new
  • Storm window location, type, material, size/configuration, finish and manufacturer's literature


  • Existing exterior and interior door type, materials, finish, including current condition
  • New door locations, types and materials


  • Existing plan/layout
  • Existing wall and ceiling materials and finishes, including current condition
  • Existing decorative features and finishes, including current condition
  • Existing ceiling heights
  • Existing floor materials and finishes, including current condition
  • Existing stair locations, configurations, materials and finishes, including current condition
  • Repair/replacement information


  • Existing location and type of systems, including current condition
  • Extent of new piping/ducting, including location and configuration


  • Existing location, type and installation, including current condition
  • New insulation location, type and method of installation
  • Historic features, materials and/or finishes to be affected
  • Vapor barrier installation proposed

Historic Landscapes


  • Existing grades and features
  • Cut and fill proposed


  • Existing major individual plants, including current condition
  • Existing groups of plants, overall characteristics as well as specific species, including current condition
  • Repair/replacement information


  • Existing alignment, slope and material of roads, walks, etc., including current condition
  • Existing location, configuration and material of support structures, including current condition
  • Repair/replacement information


  • Existing location, design and material of individual items, groups or collections, including current conditions
  • Repair/replacement information

Additions, New Construction and Demolition

  • Historic features, materials and/or finishes to be affected
  • Site plans, floorplans, elevations/sections of new work and/or demolished area
  • Materials and finishes proposed