Before you head out on the trail, take a look to see what OPRHP offers as trail maps. OPRHP has mapped over 2000 miles of designated trails in State Parks and Historic Sites. Accurate and up to date maps are
available for public use. These maps include Park facilities such as parking, park offices, nature centers, campsites, and boat launches in addition to the location, name and distance of each designated trail in
the park. For some facilities, data is available as a Google Earth KML file or a map is available to download to your iOS Apple and Android mobile devices in the free PDF-Maps app.
Visit:Avenza-PDF-maps to learn more.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
maintains thousands of miles of trails in State Forests, Wildlife Management Areas, Unique Areas and Forest Preserve land in the Adirondack and Catskill Parks. Opportunities abound for hikers, bikers, equestrians,
cross-country skiers, snowmobilers and more.